Trademark / Brand Name |
Class(es) |
CEAT SECURA tubes +rhino |
12, 16 |
DASHING tubes +arcs |
12 |
EXON tyres and tubes +arcs |
12 |
GALAXY tubes +circle |
12 |
GANGA tyres & tubes |
35 |
HR SYLAX bulbs & tubes |
11 |
tubes |
1 |
I.R. tubes |
17 |
44 |
JAIN auto & adu tubes |
12 |
JOLLY auto & a.d.v. tubes |
12 |
JST JOTINDRA steel & tubes |
6 |
K KAMICRYL +tubes & flask |
1 |
KIWI lip balm +plants tubes |
3 |
L.G. pipes and tubes |
6 |
LYCHEE lip balm +tubes |
3 |
M MILEAGE tubes & tyres |
12 |
MANDEV tubes |
11 |
MI mehta tubes |
6 |
MP MAHARANI tyres & tubes |
12 |
tubes |
12 |
NANDI tyres & tubes +arcs |
12 |
NEW POWER +tubes |
17 |
OZONE tyres & tubes |
12 |
6 |
POLNUD tyres-tubes +oval |
12 |
POLO tyres and tubes |
12 |
PRIYA tubes +tyre & arcs |
12 |
PRIYA automotive tubes |
12 |
PULARIUM tubes & pipes |
6 |
Q quality tubes +square |
6 |
ROLL-ON tyres & tubes +oval |
12 |
RUBCO cycle tyres & tubes |
17 |
SAMRUDDHI auto & adv tubes |
12 |
SENSA CHEM +tubes |
10 |
tubes |
12 |
SMT SIDDHAGIRI metals tubes |
6 |
ST pipes and tubes +arrows |
6 |
SURYA tubes & bulbs |
11 |
SURYA tubes & bulbs in urdu |
11 |
SURYA tubes and bulbs |
11 |
TATA precision tubes |
6 |
TOP GEAR BUTYL tubes +arcs |
12 |
TOP GEAR butyl tubes +arcs |
12 |
TOP TECH tubes +oval |
12 |
TUBE +tubes & square |
35, 41 |
UF UNIFLOW copper tubes |
11 |
ULTRA KWIK +tubes |
1 |
UTTAM tubes |
19 |
V MRB pipe & tubes +square |
6 |
tubes |
25 |
WILSON auto & adv tubes |
12 |
bowl tubes plants & triangl |
5 |
ovals & tubes |
9, 41, 42 |
s speed tyres & tubes |
12 |
soma bulb & tubes |
11 |
SURYA +tubes, bulbs & sun |
11 |
tubetek +drops |
17 |
new KRISHNA tubewell engg. |
37 |
INSU SHIELD-tubing |
17 |
SHIVAM pvc tubing |
17 |
WALIA'S decent tubler |
40 |
tubs |
20 |
COMPACT tubular furniture |
20 |
EXIDE tubular inva master |
9 |
HI LIFE tubular batteries |
9 |
EASHWAR'S top tucker +pot |
30 |
RUBY tuesday |
29, 32, 33 |
ruby tuesday |
16, 25, 30, 33 |
ruby tuesday +drop |
16 |
tuf board |
16 |
tuf-flex |
6 |
BEDROCK ruf-tuf |
12 |
FLOAT tuf |
21 |
JAWAN tuf top +face |
20 |
JAWAN tuf top +man |
19 |
MAYUR tuf |
12 |
NEELKAMAL ruf & tuf |
12 |
NO 10 IM tuf +lion |
16 |
19 |
TGW SS tuf F toughened glas |
12 |
VIP'S tuf |
18, 21 |
VIP-tuf |
18, 21 |
trak-tuf |
12 |
tuff NUT +lines |
25 |
tuff coat +elephant & circl |
19 |
tuff guard +dog |
6 |
tuff-LINE |
7 |
ASTRO-tuff |
12 |
AT AERO tuff +squares |
19 |
12 |
CONVEX ruff & tuff |
10 |
FLEXI tuff |
17 |
FLEXO tuff |
12 |
GAP jaipur tuff +ovals |
19 |
GET-tuff |
7 |
KMA tuff |
19 |
KUBER tuff cookware +ovals |
21 |
LEYLAND tuff |
12 |
MODI ruf & tuff |
21 |